Policies and
Don’t be a dick
Put shit back where you found it.
Don’t Quit
Try new things
This is a place for emotions
THE Gym will be open and staffed M-F 8am-7pm and Saturday 11a-4p.
24/7 access will be available for monthly donors and outsider ambassadors.
Any changes will be communicated via email and through app push notifications.
You must sign the membership waiver to access the facility.
24/7 Access
We have cameras, don’t be stupid.
Do whatever you want (except being stupid); just put stuff back where it went. Yes, that means you can open the garage door. Yes, that means you are responsible for closing it when you’re done. Failure to do so could result in your membership being revoked!
Only members with 24/7 access are allowed in after hours. Don’t bring that person you’re trying to impress (unless they have a 24/7 membership as well).
Since we are a nonprofit, we are partially grant-funded, and that means we have to hit/report certain numbers to stay open. So check in EVERYTIME. It’s really simple: Just type your name and check in for your workout or class.
Every member must check in upon entering the facility.
There’s no need to check out.
Wear whatever you want.
We recommend closed-toe shoes but understand that some lifts are better done without shoes.
Extra points for pink crocs
Again, wear whatever you want. It’s ok to take your shirt off.
We recommend athletic attire if you’re here to workout or a class but if you want to workout in full business suit, have at it.
If you have an issue with what another outsider is wearing, come talk to one of our staff members, and we’d love to help you work through those emotions.
Rule 5 - this is a place for emotions & self-expression, and we’re here to support that.
Please don’t wear items that clearly express hate towards others, we are here to support, motivate, & grow together. Not put anyone down.
Food & Beverage
You're welcome to bring your beverages and food to enjoy at the gym. Just pick up after yourself and keep it clean. ​
We might even have some free energy drinks and protein for you! Enjoy!
Registration procedures (Check in for class)
Code of conduct for classes
Classes will start ON TIME. If you are late, you will just have to jump in. Be on time.
Feel free to warm up on your own before jumping in. However, the class will start & end at its scheduled time.
While a workout class is a social activity, it is still a workout class. We are here to train, learn, & grow. Talking while your coach is providing instruction is not only disrespectful but very disruptive to the members who are trying to learn.
Leave the coaching to the coach, if you have questions, ask. Don’t give unwarranted cues or coaching to other members. Too many cooks in the kitchen gets in the way of effective cooking. Let your coach cook.
Clean & put up your equipment once done.
No One Left Behind - Your workout isn’t finished until everyone is finished! Support & encourage your fellow outsiders. If you absolutely have to leave early let your coach know before starting class.
Health and Safety
Look, we understand that
If you’re sick, you’re still welcome, but maybe train outside. You can use any of our equipment to train outside, just always clean in & put it back.
There is an Artificial External Defibrillator in the office, but maybe let a staff member use it if needed.
Use of Equipment
Proper use of equipment
Feel free to slam or drop any rubber weights.
Do not drop empty barbells or kettlebells.
We get excited for heavy lifting! Asking a staff member to spot you is just as much for your safety as our joy. If you’re going for that PR or just lifting heavy, let us be there with you. GET SOME!
When in doubt or attempting something new, ask a coach for supervision to maximize safety & effectiveness.
Equipment cleaning guidelines
Wipe your shit down…we’re here to serve, but part of doing life is taking care of the mess you create.
Reporting of equipment issues
Just like your heart, shit breaks. Even if it is your fault, no big deal, just let us know. We understand that you might be working through something, and that’s why we make all this equipment ourselves. So be rough on it so that you can be gentle on yourself, but let us know so we can fix it for the next outsider.
Ice Bath
Yes, we have an ice bath. Yes, you should try it at least once! We’re happy to coach you through it.
The ice bath is kept at 50 degrees - cold enough for all the mental health and physical benefits but not cold enough for frostbite or anything.
Please use the outdoor shower before getting in the ice bath if right after a workout.
Towels are available.
Feel free to wear whatever you’re comfortable with.
There is a curtain if you desire a little privacy.
Little Humans & Non Humans
Bring your kids, but they’re YOUR responsibility. Anyone under 14 needs to either be supervised by a parent or guardian or join our Youth Empowerment Nights (First Friday of the month)
Dogs are allowed. In fact, if you have a dog and don’t bring it at least once…Well, I don’t know, but dogs make us all happy.
Whether it’s your little human or nonhuman, keep an eye on them and pick up their shit (figuratively & literally). As much as we need a break, they’re still your ball and chain (ie. responsibility).
Behavioral Expectations
Respectful behavior towards staff and other members.
Remember we don’t know everyone’s stories or struggles. Think twice before you make that joke, think twice before judging. We’re all human, we’re doing the best we can, let’s be supportive & understanding.
We have tripods, and you’re welcome to film yourself. But please know that this is real life, and you are not entitled to a specific space just because you’re filming. So here are some rules:
Don't film other people without their consent.
If someone starts working out in your frame, you either get to stop filming or move the camera.
See Gym Rule 1
Prohibited activities (e.g., smoking, unauthorized training)
Yeah, we’re all outsiders here and doing the best we can, so there’s not much that’s prohibited… but there are a few things and I’m sure this list will grow as we find more stupid things people can do
No paid training allowed. You will be banned if you are using THE Gym for your paid personal training sessions.
This is not a place for sexual advances. This is a BRAVE space, and we will protect our members at all cost. Sexual harassment will NOT be tolerated.
Handling of disruptive behavior
Our staff are trained peer support specialists and are available to work through any extreme emotions or situations. If you ever feel unsafe, talk to a staff member or call adam directly at 979-587-1443
Membership Rules
Guest policies
We’re free…so just get your guests to sign up and sign the waivers. If they’re coming with you after hours, maybe make a $10 donation by scanning our Venmo code.
Membership termination and suspension
We are not happy to terminate your membership, but will gladly do so.
Membership freeze policy
If you are moving or will be absent for a long period of time update your membership or let a staff member know. This way we can keep full accountability of our active/inactive/cancelled memberships.
Payment and Billing
Payment methods accepted
We’re used to hustling, iykyk… so we’ll take any payment that you can get together! Primarily we can take cash, cards and most electronic payments from ACH to Zelle, Cash App, Venmo. Talk to us, we’ll make it work.
Billing cycle and late payment fees
Your monthly donation will be processed each month on the date of your initial payment. We can change that to the first of the month if you’re bad at budgeting like we are and need everything to come out before you spend it on useless things like groceries and rent.
Refund Policies
If it’s our mistake, we’ll gladly take care of it.
If it’s your mistake, just talk to us. We’re not here to get rich or screw anyone over.
Other Stuff
Privacy Policy
Member information confidentiality All your information is 100% confidential and protected. We are not just a gym, we are a Recovery Community Organization (RCO) providing non-clinical counseling and other recovery supportive services. To that end, all of our data (to include any research, questionnaires, and personal information is protected by HIPAA.
We’re always watching. See those cameras… yeah that’s us. While they’re recording the public spaces, we don’t care what you’re doing. Just want you to know.
Data collection and storage practices
We may collect data for research (we’re trying to change the world and all), but again, it is all confidential and protected by state and federal laws along with our certification standards.
Member information confidentiality
As an RCO, we are bound by all state and federal confidentiality laws. So unless you’re going to hurt a child or the elderly… we’ll need a court order to give any information out.
Social Media Policy (@outsidersanonymous)
We encourage members to share their positive experiences on social media and members are free to use the Outsiders Anonymous Logo and or name in these posts.
Members understand and agree that they might be recorded and or photographed in the public gym areas by staff members only for social media marketing/advertising purposes.
If you appear in one of our posts & you are not comfortable with it, let us know. We’re simply trying to cultivate & expand a supportive community.