three options
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May 1, 2021
May 8, 2021
Whenever you darn well want!
I am so grateful that you have decided to spend a little time running with us! As the Executive Director of Outsiders Anonymous, I truly want to thank you for your support! Before COVID, we provided free fitness training for people in recovery, and thanks to your support, we are going to be launching free community classes once again in May! We will also be able to go into treatment centers and provide their clients with free fitness training, which our research is showing directly leads to reduced relapse rates in early recovery. Thank you!
And now, the real reason you opened this email... the weather and what we're going to do about it. Our organization values community not only through fitness classes but also by achieving goals through races and creating opportunities for connection. To that end, we will be moving our big deal, official, totally amazing, still don't know what we're doing, 5K to May 8th. But wait! Because we don't do things like other races, we are making sure we bring you a suite of options for your best race this year!
Option 1 - The Rain Run
This event will be held on May 1st, the original date for the 5K. The rain run will be a bare-bones 5k, still complete with bibs, t-shirts, medals, and official (manual) timing. I know many of you have been planning on this event on this date, and we refuse to rob you of what you have been working towards. If you so choose, I will be out there, most likely in my kayak, I will have the course marked, and we will have a grand time of it all!
Option 2 - The Fun Run
This will be the main event - moved to May 8th! This event will be what you expect and have come to love from us, just better. We will have all the coffee and donuts to replenish spent nutrients. We will have chip timing, photo opportunities, and (hopefully) amazing weather.
Option 3 - The Virtual Run
If you cannot make it to either event, we will be having a virtual run. We are finalizing a partnership with RaceJoy in order to bring you an amazing virtual experience. I know these runs have become all the rage since, well that year we shall not speak of, but we are doing it even better! While you will be able to choose WHEN you run, we get to decide WHERE you run - you must run the official course in order to be counted in the results! Through the app, you will have directional cues, mile markers, and even my lovely voice cheering you on. More information to follow this upcoming week as we get the course loaded into the app. Stay tuned!
You will also receive an email next week containing instructions for a contactless check-in on race day!
I want you to know that we did not make this decision lightly, and most other races might think us crazy for doing what we are... and they might be right! If you have any questions, please reach out directly to me at adam@outsidersanonymous.org.
Adam Holt
Executive Director, Outsiders Anonymous